The Green Man Hotel Equity opportunity

The Odeleite River Valley Eco Centre will offer an affordable, sustainable and healthy living experience in southern Europe, with its focus on Regenerative Permaculture, organic food, and renewable energy, it aims to extend life expectancy and promote overall well-being, surrounded by scenic beauty and a Mediterranean-style diet, residents can escape negativity, embrace nature, and cherish breathtaking views every morning.



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The Green Man Hotel at  The   Odeleite   River   Valley   Eco   Centre   

Copyright Torvec 2024

The Green Man Hotel Equity Opportunity

The Odeleite River Valley Eco Centre will offer an affordable, sustainable and healthy living experience in southern Europe, with its focus on Regenerative Permaculture, organic food, and renewable energy, it aims to extend life expectancy and promote overall well-being, surrounded by scenic beauty and a Mediterranean-style diet, residents can escape negativity, embrace nature, and cherish breathtaking views every morning.



T   O    R    V    E   C

The Green Man Hotel at  The   Odeleite   River   Valley   Eco   Centre   

Copyright TORVEC 2024

The Green Man Hotel, potentially the worlds greenest and healthiest.

Living a healthy balanced life in harmony with nature at The Odeleite River Valley Eco Centre, an unbeatable  opportunity for freedom loving individuals, to be free and stay free.

Turning a Utopian dream into a unique Utopian reality.

The quality-of-life factor, for those who will be living in this self-sufficient, sustainable, natural living, eco-village, a potential 5* health and wellness complex, would on a Q of L chart, be up there at the highest level and on a £ for £ value scale, would be off the charts.

As intelligent individuals, I am sure you have your own insights regarding the future financial outlook for the Western world, from my perspective I would rather have assets tied up in productive land, either agricultural or development land or a combination of both as the best of all worlds, especially when there is potential unlimited fresh water supply onsite as a bonus.

For the available shareholder options, enthusiastic and pro-active individuals will get priority, this should be seen as a no-brainer in terms of what is on offer, not just the free accommodation and free-living, but also living and working with like minded freedom loving sovereign individuals, and having unlimited access to a multi-faceted complex with just about everything anyone could want in an ideal world.

Living in this Blue Zone-style community village should give your life a special meaning and purpose, and comes with a potential extra 10 / 20 healthy active years over and above what was previously expected, this potential life extension is or should be, one of the most desirable aspects of this eco-friendly, health and wellness resort, with healthy and nutritious farm fresh produce only a few minutes / metres to kitchens.

You can’t put a price or a value on intangible benefits such as the potential for several extra healthy active years on this planet, it’s not just the feel-good factor either, but also knowing subjectively that choices made early enough in life can pay huge dividends in later life, we should all strive to live with pure clean water, breathing fresh clean air, avoid cellular damage from too much exposure to WI-FI and 5G signals from smart phones / laptop that do untold damage to your body / DNA, not just now but long into the future, these are un quantifiable negative aspects facing humanity, ones that you will be able to avoid living the good life at TORVEC, The Odeleite River Valley Eco Centre.

Having some skin in the game.

The main aim of this message is to create a shortlist / database of candidates who are serious about participating in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and also to know whether they are in a position either now or in the fairly near future to make a positive commitment to the shareholder scheme, if so, and in order to clarify intentions and current individual circumstances regarding involvement, some feedback or comments would be appreciated, not looking for cash at this stage, any future investment funding would be deposited in an escrow account with my Portuguese lawyer and subject to oversight.

Look forward to some positive responses, don’t forget to take into account that this is a limited offer regarding the Basic and the VIP options, this very special low-cost / no-cost offer won’t be available in the future once it is fully subscribed, it sometimes pays to liquidate one’s assets in advance whilst they still have the most value in case of a major financial meltdown, transferring to assets with a future perpetual value, preferably in a safe haven and country.

 Contact email for more details

One further thought regarding the overall potential of this project, for those familiar with Klaus Schwab and his Orwellian / Dystopian ideas for your future, living in 15-minute ghettoes eating bugs or occasional meatless meats as a treat, pretending to be happy with 24-hour surveillance, C B digital currency which can be switched off if you don’t conform, 20-mile an hour speed limits etc.  


Set that against living the good life in a beautiful river valley / Garden of Eden, an oasis of plenty, good food, good surroundings, good neighbours, and freedom to do your own thing, what’s not to like about that as an alternative, you also get to live a longer healthier life free from illness and disease, free from the spectre of Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or a myriad of other modern-day diseases, that in itself is more valuable than any pot of savings, the main benefit as a shareholder is that you will be a part owner of this Utopian Paradise, your choice?

Views of potential plot locations.


Continued on the next page. Click here.