The Green Man Hotel

The Odeleite River Valley Eco Centre will offer an affordable, sustainable and healthy living experience in southern Europe, with its focus on Regenerative Permaculture, organic food, and renewable energy, it aims to extend life expectancy and promote overall well-being, surrounded by scenic beauty and a Mediterranean-style diet, residents can escape negativity, embrace nature, and cherish breathtaking views every morning.


T   O    R    V    E   C

The Green Man Hotel at  The   Odeleite   River   Valley   Eco   Centre   

Copyright Torvec 2024

All shareholder / hotel infrastructure will be solar powered using the latest photovoltaic systems, with various backup options, a low voltage direct current energy system for the all-round LED lighting, low heating and cooling requirements, sustainable hotel fixtures and fittings, an innovative smart building design will keep the plumbing and wiring requirements to the absolute minimum, all features helping to keep the overall build cost very low.

This development is intended to be totally self-sufficient and sustainable in all areas, with our own underground aquifer freshwater resources, our own waste and sewage system, solar powered air source heat pumps in combination with solar water heating panels for hot water heating, also for the minimal cooling and heating requirements for the accommodation units, hillside runoff and rain water harvesting will supply toilet flush water as well as field and greenhouse irrigation, we will also be composting all our organic waste which will be returned to the land as fertiliser.

The majority of the fruit and vegetables requirements for the resort will be produced within our own permaculture farm and greenhouse complex, we will also be able to purchase other produce and commodities locally and at lower cost with bulk purchasing power.

If interested in this VIP / Basic shareholder scheme,  contact,

Basic, VIP, or JV partner?, “You pays your money, and you takes your choice”.

Future low cost living opportunity, we will be making accommodation available for long term lease, with a full board, all-inclusive package, from £1,250 per month.

(Whatever the mind can perceive and believe it can achieve)

warm regards peter.    email contact,

 Web page links to some site photos and location maps, some pictures are duplicated.   

List of perks and benefits,

According to Lief Simon, International Real Estate Expert, Portugal offers one of the most user-friendly residency options in the Euro-zone...If you'd like to live in the country full time, you can arrange to do so simply by showing a reliable income of at least £1,200 per month, many countries offer similar residency programs based on guaranteed income, however, these are typically targeting foreign retirees and come with age restrictions, that is not the case in Portugal, anyone of any age who can prove income to meet the requirement can be granted the right to remain in Portugal long term, this is one of the easiest residency hurdles of any country in Europe. Indeed, it's one of the easiest of any country in the world.

Link to web page,  D7 Visa program,  -

For any of our potential Basic / VIP shareholders, service fees are included for D7 visa applications, a potential saving of over £3,000.


Doug Casey's International Man, Newsletter April 11th 2022 Basic Truth #1: Precious metals and real estate will become the last safe investments for the retention of wealth. At some point in the Great Unravelling, we will reach the point when virtually the only "safe" investments will be precious metals and real estate. (It should be stressed that even these are not guaranteed, but they are, and will be, the last bastions. They are the Alamo.)
